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About the Artist and her work
About the Artist

Emotion is what moves!

The moving body, “dressed” in paint, becomes a “living brush” and the result of this encounter are abstract canvases that produce an innovative aesthetic experience, purposefully and systematically disorganizing the existing relationships between movements, lines, planes, the directions, the colors and so, the ideas we have of these elements.

Making visible through painting what is diluted by movement in time and space. Considering that every gesture as substance is what legitimizes the movement and makes it ephemeral and immaterial, creating a dialogue between ephemerality and permanence.

"Due to the need to expand the possibilities of expression in contemporary dance, I included painting in my research. The plastic record supported me in the expression of gestures and movements, allowing emotional flows to pulse in the creation of lines, shapes and in the choice of colors present. in each painting. My existence gained permanence and meaning, giving contours to my existential complexity."  

Ana Marta Moura



  " When they have achieved a Body Without Organs (CSO), then they will have freed themselves from their automatisms and given back their true freedom.


Emotion is what moves!

The body in movement, "dressed" in paint, changes itself in a "live brush" and the result is abstract paintings that produce and aesthetic experience purposefully and systemically disorganizing the relations between the movements, the lines, the directions, the colors and then , the ideas we have about this elements.

Becoming visible by the painting what is diluted by the movement in time and space. Considering that every gesture as substance is what legitimates the movement and makes it ephemeral and immaterial, creating the dialog between ephemerity and permanence.

"By the need to expand the possibilities of expression in contemporary art I put painting on my research. The plastic record gave me support to express gests and movements, allowing emotional flows to pulse during the creation of lines, shapes and choice of colors in every painting. My existence gained permanence and meaning, outlining my existential complexity."

                                    Marta Moura


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