"Art is anarchic insofar as its doing is consequence of a disorder in which we are brought closer to chaos - submission to the system, ideas, feelings, behaviors and realities - incarcerated, Creation and Aesthetics put an end to all discipline that decodes and reproduces inequalities, inhuman and fascist discourses!
The beautiful resists!
Marta Moura
IT'S a crossing of existence, whether of the artist or the one who contemplates it, creating a sensorial dialogue and accepting the experience that it proposes when appreciated.
Without a brush and spatula , the paint-covered body breaks the codes closed and allows the Work to "de-over" in its intensities, thus affirming life in experiments, affirmative affections, collective bodies, which take place in the relationships that happen outside and reverberate inside the subject-I and created in this becoming.
The rigor present in the commitment to the Work makes my subjectivity a toolbox and my gestures can create worlds.
The creative process is at the same time "question-solution"
in the future
Performance, video art, video dance, photography allow my expression, and it makes sense to exist, I feel whole, desire and power.
Marta Moura

Video-Arts or Video-performances are the result of concerns, anxieties and manifestos about subjects/themes
most of the time, considered taboo in our country.
Some created for the weekly program 'Hora do Levante", a production of Levante das Mulheres Brasileiras in partnership with Jornalistas Livres.


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